Last week we were in Derby, CT and outside the library was this sun dial. I thought the inscription on the top carries a great message. That is what I want to write about today. Counting the sunny hours. This has a lot to do with my last entry about hope. The message of this sun dial is to have hope that the sunny times will come and also not to miss them. A lot of the time we are spending so much talking about how good it is that nothing bad is happening that we miss the opportunity to enjoy and be grateful for the good that is happening. This brings to mind the hymn " Count Your Blessings". Not focusing on the bad isn't what makes us happy, focusing on the good brings happiness. I think we all know this but sometimes it can be very hard to do. It is one of those things that takes time and we have to get in the habit of it. When we are in the thick of those times that don't seem sunny at all, we have to keep that hope. This video with Jeffrey R. Holland says it much better than I could. (I also really like it because it takes place near my hometown and I get to see a little bit of where I grew up) Good Things to Come. It took a while before everything worked out in that video, lots of persistence and work. We need that opposition to enjoy the sunny hours and to have true gratitude for what we have. 2 Nephi 2:11
I hope everyone enjoys and "counts none but the sunny hours".
That is a beautiful sun dial. The inscription was something I needed to hear today. I have been looking at my trials and how many there has been in a short period of time. But you are right to help us focus back and look at our blessing.